ImperialHal & HisWattson clash over controversial Apex Legends healing strat

Connor Bennett
ImperialHal and HisWattson side-by-side

Apex Legend stars ImperialHal and HisWattson clashed over zone healing, as they apparently agree it “ruins” things but they disagree on whether or not players should be banned for it. 

Given that Apex Legends has different characters with unique abilities, there are plenty of playstyles that can have success in Respawn’s popular battle royale. 

Many players like to drop hot and look to be aggressive, racking up kills, while others play on the edge of the zone, taking things slow. However, there are also players who use legends like Lifeline so that they can sit in the zone and avoid fighting others until the very last moment. 

These players are known are zone healers and they, quite often, spark backlash within the Apex community. It’s happened again between longtime rivals ImperialHal and HisWattson as the pair disagree on punishing zone healers.

ImperialHal & HisWattson disagree on zone healers being banned

It kicked off after it was pointed out that one of the top players currently in Ranked actively avoids taking fights, opting to stick in the zone and rack up placement points. 

HisWattson’s point was that it’s an annoying yet effective strategy, but there shouldn’t be punishment. “I see people saying that zone healers should be banned. You should never ban someone for their playstyle. Although it is giga-cringe and ruins the game for everyone else, you can’t blame somebody for using a strategy if it works,” the FURIA star said. 

Hal quickly disagreed with that, however. “Man said it ruins the game for everyone else but they shouldn’t get banned for it,” he replied, attaching a laughing emoji at the end of his tweet. 

Some players quickly took Hal’s side on the disagreement, but others also urged Respawn to fix things so that the strategy isn’t viable. 

“They aren’t using an exploit that takes specifics inputs to break the game. They are just using in game mechanics. They are really lame but this ones on the devs. Why should someone not breaking rules get banned?” said one. 

“Ruining others game shouldn’t be bannable, instead FIXING the issue should happen so one it can’t be done and two other’s games aren’t ruined. Come on CEO,” added another.

Given that the strategy has been around for a while, it’s unlikely to go away anytime soon.