Wraith’s portal and self-revive combine to make incredible Apex Legends finish

Since the release of Apex Legends, battle royale fans have been captivated. The game was released on February 4 and players have been racking up some crazy finishes to become ‘Champion’ ever since.

As we’ve seen with Fortnite, Call of Duty: Blackout and PUBG, players will often try to finish games in an unbelievable manner, especially if they’ve already got a large number of wins to their name. However, one particular Wraith method appears to have been the player’s only pathway to victory at the time that it occurred.

The ending in question included self-revival as well as the use of an enemy Wraith rift. Reddit user ‘BoiGotBamboozled’ took out multiple enemies to make his team Champions, and he was understandably proud of the achievement!

This player won the game using Wraith’s Dimensional Rift.

While fighting a seemingly losing battle, the player in question got knocked out of the final circle. From there, they utilized the ‘self-revive’ ability (courtesy of the gold knockdown shield) and made their way back to the circle in the nick of time.

The clip is made all the more impressive by the fact that self-revival was combined with Wraith’s portal ability. When the player finally got back into the circle, it looked as if the other remaining players were confused as to where BoiGotBamboozled could be. Before they figured it, out it was too late. Some strong aim resulted in two kills, BoiGotBamboozled’s squad became champions.

With organizations beginning to sign their first professional Apex players, there’s no knowing when an incredible play like this could result in a player catching the eyes of a team.

The above clip also shows how useful the Legend Wraith can be. Wraith is part of the ’S’ tier in our character rankings and she can easily move in and out of fights with her tactical ability, ‘Into the Void’. BoiGotBamboozled used another one of Wraith’s abilities, a Dimensional Rift, to create this masterpiece.

Is this the best Apex Legends ending to a game you’ve seen so far? Get in touch with us via twitter @Dexerto to let us know your thoughts.