Infinite Octane Stim glitch returns in Apex Legends Season 12

Alex Garton
Octane Stim Glitch

The infinite Octane Stim glitch has returned in Apex Legends Defiance but luckily, this time the speed doesn’t stack like it did in Season 10.

Since his release all the way back in Season 1, Octane has maintained an incredibly high pick rate and is currently sitting as the most popular Legend in the game in Defiance.

The High-speed Daredevil’s mobile and aggressive kit makes him perfect for players who are always looking for the next skirmish. While his Ultimate is his primary engage tool, it’s Octane’s Stim that’s by far his most important ability.

So, when a glitch in Season 10 meant that players could stack and use the Stim infinitely, it allowed those who abused the bug to cause havoc in Ranked and standard matches.

Now the glitch has returned in Season 12, but this time it’s a lot less powerful as the speed doesn’t seem to stack.

Octane Apex Legends bug
Octane has a 12.7% pick rate in Season 12.

Octane Stim glitch is back in Defiance

While this version of the bug is nowhere near as powerful as the one that popped up in Season 10, we recommend not using it in-game as Respawn has been cracking down on players exploiting bugs.

If anything, this infinite Stim glitch puts you at a disadvantage as it completely drains your health while not stacking. However, it does negate the one-second cooldown that players usually have to wait between speed boosts.

As showcased by YouTuber RossBobSquirrel, the exploit is triggered by removing an attachment while hanging onto a ledge, then it’s just a case of throwing a holospray and Stimming at the same time.

Although this bug does allow Octane to remain in a stimmed state permanently, it comes at the cost of being at incredibly low health all the time.

As a result, it’s unlikely this exploit will be a high priority for Respawn, especially with other more serious bugs causing problems in-game.

Despite this, abusing any glitch in a normal or Ranked match could result in your account being suspended, whether it’s useful or not.