Major Apex Legends glitch is stopping players from getting into game

Andrew Amos
Octane kicking Mirage in Apex Legends

Trying to drop onto Kings Canyon After Dark but can’t seem to ready up? You’re not alone. A major Apex Legends glitch is stopping players from getting into game, and the solution to fix it is unclear.

September Soiree was meant to be a big affair for Apex Legends. With tons of LTMs, including King’s Canyon: After Dark and Dummies Big Day, players were hyped to grind out the different game modes.

There were also some event-exclusive skins on offer from the Grand Soiree back in August available to help celebrate Season 6.

However, if the new event wasn’t already proving to be buggy enough, a new glitch is flat out stopping players from getting into Apex Legends.

After launching the King’s Canyon: After Dark LTM, players noted they weren’t able to join the queue. While they could select the game mode they wanted to play, when prompted to start the queue, they’d just be taken back into the mode select screen.

Obviously, not being able to queue up means no Apex Legends. The game won’t just automatically launch you into queue after a period of time.

The community has been brainstorming a number of solutions. You can try one of the following things to solve this glitch and get back into game as fast as possible:

  • Restart your game client, and try and queue up again
  • Change your servers, and try and queue up again
  • Join a friend who doesn’t have the glitch and queue up
  • Uninstall and reinstall the game (yes, this is drastic, but if you’re desperate…)

It’s not clear if it’s a server issue or a client issue, but one thing is for sure ⁠— Respawn is likely cracking on a fix as fast as possible. Expect a hotfix to drop in the coming hours to solve this glitch.

Until then, you just have to have your fingers and toes crossed. If you’re one of the unlucky ones with the glitch, you won’t be able to get into game, meaning you’ll have to watch the action on the sidelines for the time being.