Mysterious spaceship appears in Apex Legends as possible Season 4 teaser

Albert Petrosyan
Space ship hovering over Apex Legends map

Something mysterious has appeared in the sky above Apex Legends’ World’s Edge map, and players are perceiving it as potentially the first true teaser for the upcoming Season 4.

Season 3 of Apex Legends is slowly but surely winding down, with not much longer left until it officially wraps up ahead of the launch of Season 4.

In fact, January 21 marked exactly two weeks before Season 3 is scheduled to end and Season 4 is set to kick off, and it’s usually around the two-week mark that teasers for the next season start appearing in-game.

Respawn Entertainment / DexertoNot long left until the highly-anticipated Season 4 kicks off in Apex Legends.

That seemed to be the case when players logged on to play on January 21, who noticed a large dark cloud in the sky over Capitol City, with three lights glowing light blue in the midst of it.

The lights are more than likely thrusters, which is why many fans are convinced it’s a spaceship that’s approaching the map. Whatever it is, this is probably the first official teaser for Season 4.

From ground level, the spaceship is hard to see clearly. However, if you climb atop one of the towers in Capitol City with a weapon that has a high-zoom scope equipped, you should be able to spot it quite well.

What this could mean for Season 4

Needless to say, the appearance of this mysterious flying object has excited the player-base, opening up a Pandora’s Box of theories and speculation as to what this could mean for Season 4.

While it’s unlikely that the next chapter will be based in a new world, since World’s Edge was just introduced in Season 3, whatever is flying down could considerably alter the map as we currently know it.

The most likely possibility is that whoever is riding on board this aerial vessel will be the next new Legend introduced into the battle royale. There is still no clear indication as to who the next new character will be, but there are enough leaks about that suggest Revenant and Forge are the most probable candidates.

Assuming that this is the first Season 4 teaser, the cat is now out of the bag, which means players can expect more and more hints to be dropped by Respawn as we get closer to February 4.

Don’t forget – while Season 3 may be on its last legs, the content-packed Grand Soirée Arcade in-game event is still underway, so be sure to log on and enjoy the plethora of new limited-time modes, cosmetic items, and more.