New Apex Legends Season 5 teaser reveals major map change

Connor Bennett

Apex Legends players believe that a number of map changes for Kings Canyon in Season 5 have been teased right under their noses, but will they be proven right?

For a few weeks now, Apex Legends players have been gearing up for season five – uncovering apparent teases for the next legend to join the battle royale roster. All roads seem to lead to Loba on that front, though plenty of other fans want more changes. 

There have been rumors about an all-new map for the next season, however, it appears as if there will just be changes to current maps – with Kings Canyon taking the focus here as players believe that they’ve uncovered the secret to what seems to be beneath the surface.

All signs point to Loba being the newest Legend in Apex Legends Season 5.

After the first season five teaser went live on April 17, some players were left confused by the image they were seeing, as it depicted part of a map but without any real clues that gave away what was happening.

However, Reddit user OrcusDei appears to have cracked the code. They revealed the red building in the image is actually Labs from Kings Canyon, with the Redditor even going as far as pointing out the small room where Crypto was spotted back in season two. 

With a new dome area appearing behind the labs in these teases, the image appears to suggest that the locked door players found a few weeks back will open up and lead to the new area – seemingly giving Kings Canyon an underground section to play with.

Of course, no one can be certain that the area would be entirely underground,  with some fans suggesting that it will be uncovered in a way that lets players enter from the usual above ground level.

However, with more teasers apparently on the way ahead of season five, we’ll just have to wait and see what Respawn teases us with. The next one might be even more revealing.