NICKMERCS praises Apex Legends devs for finally addressing matchmaking and SBMM problems

Joe Craven
NICKMERCS on stream next to Apex Legends logo

Apex Legends streamer and ALGS competitor Nick ‘NICKMERCS’ Kolcheff has praised Respawn Entertainment for recently announced changes to the BR’s skill-based matchmaking mechanics. 

Skill-based matchmaking has long been a major topic in video games and in Apex Legends specifically

Complaints have long revolved around players’ inability to enjoy matches casually and, in Season 15 specifically, issues over inaccurate matchmaking have taken center stage.

However, many players welcomed recent confirmation from Respawn that the game’s SBMM mechanics will be changing considerably in the near future. 

NICKMERCS praises Respawn for SBMM changes in Apex Legends

In a November 22 Twitch stream, ALGS competitor NICKMERCS joined the chorus of praise for Respawn developers, describing it as “cool”. 

“I did see a little bit of this I think,” he said. “I read the dev’s paragraph and it looked like he needed to go to college… I dunno, cool though. A lot of people don’t like the current Apex [matchmaking] thing they have going on so if they’re gonna make some changes, good man.”

In short, the streamer and former Gears of War pro is pleased to see developers listening to community feedback and making adjustments as they deem necessary.

Nick is known to praise developers for positive changes they make, recently applauding Respawn for Apex’s new Broken Moon environment. 

Although the developers did not give specific dates for the implementation of the SBMM changes, they did say that players can expect them in-game during December or early in 2023. 

Nick is clearly among those who believe they’ll improve the quality of the average match and placate some fan criticism.