NICKMERCS reveals key Apex Legends tip to improve as fast as possible

Joe Craven
Apex Legends Ash next to NICKMERCS streaming

Apex Legends streamer and ALGS competitor Nick ‘NICKMERCS’ Kolcheff has revealed his key tip to improve as fast as possible at Respawn’s battle royale, which he claims allowed him to rise to the top so rapidly. 

NICKMERCS’ ascendancy from Apex Legends newcomer to Global Series competitor has been nothing short of remarkable, with the former Fortnite and Gears of War pro lighting up the competitive scene of Respawn’s battle royale.

He has previously touched on why he felt the need to return to competing from a personal point of view but, in an April 23 live stream, he offered his view on how he – and other players – can rapidly improve at Apex Legends.

apex legends global series year 2 details console crossplay prize pool lan
NICKMERCS is now competing in the ALGS.

Asked by a viewer what the best way to improve at Respawn’s BR is, Nick explained how he altered his gameplay to ensure he got better as fast as possible.

In short, it comes down to playing with the highest tempo possible, challenging opponents at every opportunity. While it won’t get players the most amount of wins – that’ll certainly come from a conservative playstyle and looting up – it will result in the fastest improvements in overall gameplay.

“I don’t think I really got good at the game until I started pushing sh*t,” he explained. “So to answer your question honestly bro, I think the best way to get better at the game is to play aggressive. Very aggressive. I think that’s the best way. Because you’re playing the game and you’re really trying to push your pace. You’re trying to push yourself.”

He continued: “When you get comfortable and you play in your comfort zone and you’re not pushing your pace… that is the way to play to win, but you’re not really getting any better. I didn’t see that until I kinda went through it in my own way… So that’s why when you see us make questionable pushes and weird plays, we’re just tryna push people.”

It certainly seems to have worked for the Twitch giant, even if it’s not guaranteed wins at first.