Ninja gets kidnapped in hilarious Apex Legends clip: “I just got destroyed”

Alec Mullins
Ninja gets outplayed in Apex Legends Reddit clip

As an ability-based shooter, Apex Legends is unique in the battle royale world. Each legend features original ways to alter the flow of combat in the game, and unfortunately for Ninja, he experienced just how lethal the title’s movement-based abilities can be. 

During an Apex stream on Sept. 28, Ninja found himself trying to close out an intense game. His team had put themselves in a good position to take the W, but it all changed when an enemy Wraith made the play of a lifetime.

It was the final circle of the match, and the situation was getting desperate. If they were going to win, they needed to take care of one solo who had managed to weasel into the circle before trying to fight the last full-team, who had taken the high ground and were pinning them down below.

While the opposing Wraith player did give up the high ground, it wasn’t to bring the attack to the low ground but instead to bring the streamer back up top alongside them.

Wraith kidnaps ninja in Apex
This was the moment that Ninja realized something was up.

When Ninja was pulled through Wraith’s portal, he was immediately met with a hail of bullets from the Loba and Pathfinder who were lying in wait.

Ninja gets outplayed in Apex Legends

Ninja is known for his over-the-top reactions, but it doesn’t seem like that energy has transferred over to Apex.

Instead of raging about the situation, he praised the enemy Wraith player and admitted it was a sick idea.

The Apex Legends subreddit has applauded his reaction to the encounter.

One commenter said, “I expected him to explode and call it bulls**t. I guess people can change.” Another user added, “He passed the vibe check!”

New Wraith skin
Wraith has been a hot topic in the Apex community recently, as Aceu believes she might be completely useless.

The timing of this play is extra funny since NRG’s Aceu recently called Wraith the worst legend in the game.  That may be true, but examples like this are why the Voidwalker remains a staple in the roster of legends.

While there might be a way to tune Wraith up and make her more competitively viable, players will have to make do with these sneaky little abduction plays until Respawn gets around to upgrading her kit.