Apex Legends dev confirms no fill option coming soon instead of solos

Daniel Cleary
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Respawn Entertainment have confirmed a “no fill” option is coming to Apex Legends very soon, though not right at the start of Season 8, for players who want to queue up by themselves.

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Ever since launch, Apex Legends players have been calling on the developers to introduce a permanent solos playlist.

There was a temporary solos mode as an LTM, as well as a temporary duos mode. But, while duos was eventually made permanent, solos never was.

Respawn has previously stated that Apex Legends, and each of the characters released, were originally designed to be played in teams of three, and that a Solo mode was “unhealthy” for the game. Despite this, a “no fill” option may be the perfect middle-ground for Apex players looking for a solo experience.

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Respawn devs have hinted at way for Apex players to play solo.

No fill option coming to Apex Legends

Having already introduced a permanent Duos playlist in Season 4, Respawn has now revealed they are working on solutions for those who want to play Apex Legends without having to play around others.

In a Respawn Reddit AMA back in November of 2020, one user asked about their plan to “allow a solo experience” and Apex Design Director Jason McCord responded with his thoughts on the topic.

McCord explained that they have been considering solutions for fans who want a Solo playlist and revealed that a no fill option is what they’re planning.

Heading into Season 8, McCord has confirmed on Twitter that a no fill option is on the way, but it won’t be arriving in Season 8: “Won’t be S8 launch… we’re testing it internally and it’s working, so should be sooner rather than later.”

This is great news for Apex players who are craving the solo player experience and don’t enjoy playing with a squad. Although queueing no fill puts you at a huge disadvantage, it also offers you the freedom to go and do what you want during a match.

Not only that, for incredibly talented players, it offers the chance to rack up an unseen amount of kills in a single game. Let’s hope Respawn adds the feature sooner rather than later, preferably at the beginning of Season 9.