Ridiculous Apex Legends glitch sends syringes flying on Supply Ships

Theo Salaun
apex legend supply ship

[jwplayer cgdaanpd]The Supply Ships on Apex Legends’ King’s Canyon map are notoriously buggy, but a glitch that turns dropped Syringes into weird, raining confetti sets a new bar.

When the return of King’s Canyon was announced for Apex Legends Season 5, many players were excited to get back to their roots. Some were worried though, as the infamously glitchy Supply Ships would be coming back too. 

It turns out, these skeptics were right to be cautious and this first became apparent with buggy Death Boxes and a game-breaking issue that would permanently trap people within the floating ship. That proved players needed to be careful when moving near the stairwells, as an unorthodox movement could end up clipping them into and then below the stairs until the game’s end.

Now, Reddit user ‘YaBoyCae’ has discovered that you must also be careful dropping items when your team is up there too. In a clip shared to the Apex Legends subreddit, they are seen dropping Syringes for their teammates—only for the healing packs to bounce around like they were possessed by a troop of antsy ghosts.

YaBoyCae was left with just one call for help: “Respawn! Respawn!”

They then confirmed that their teammates could indeed see this strange Syringe confetti, and that they didn’t have the faith to drop more health items for said teammates until the squad was back on the safer, more predictable ground.

That helps reveal one of the King’s Canyon cardinal truths: do not trust Supply Ships. Although, YaBoyCae definitely got off easy considering how much worse some of these bugs can be. Aside from the aforementioned trapping glitch, players have been complaining since February 2019 about a bizarre reviving bug that ends up killing both you and the already-downed teammate.


At the moment, Respawn Entertainment has yet to respond to this particular confetti-Syringe Supply Ship bug. Worryingly, no Supply Ship glitches actually appear on their Trello board—either in the “Investigating” or “Recently Resolved Issues” tabs. 

While it might be hoped that their definition of “recently” precludes most of these game-ruining glitches from being on the list because they’ve been taken care of weeks ago, there’s no way to be certain. For now, players should just remember the importance of caution when you get on the Supply Ship.