Simple Apex Legends Rampart trick makes Sheila minigun even deadlier

Lawrence Scotti
rampart apex legends

An Apex Legends player has gone semi-viral after showing off a unique way to utilize Rampart’s minigun Sheila while being able to travel around the battle royale’s many maps.

Although Apex has been out for years now, dedicated players of the Respawn shooter are constantly discovering new useful tricks in the battle royale.

One player, for example, discovered a sneaky trick for the map Worlds Edge to obtain free kills.

Now, another Apex player has uncovered a new way to notch easy kills using Rampart’s ultimate, Sheila.

Aceu Apex Legends Rampart
Rampart was released in Season 6.

Rampart trick lets players mow enemies over with Sheila

Reddit user StaphAttack posted to the Apex Legends subreddit a clip of how they avoided the recoil penalty while firing off Sheila.

Riding on a Trident, the Rampart player was able to unload rounds out of the vehicle while Sheila was mounted on the back, turning the minigun into a mobile death machine.

Staph was stunned by their pin-point accuracy and was able to down two opponents with the minigun in the clip.

Users in the comment section enjoyed the trick and were also shocked by the discovery.

One said, “You’re playing Halo 2 and they’re playing Apex.”

In the comment section, Staph explained exactly how the trick works: “As Shiela fires the spread gets tighter and tighter. If you mount Sheila on the trident the spread doesn’t reduce the full amount and just sprays.”

The next time you’re playing on Olympus or Storm Point, gun for the Trident and enjoy your easy dub.