Simple Apex Legends trick reduces sprint to fire time drastically

Connor Bennett
Purple and blue apex legends gun being held aloft in firing range with game logo in corner

Apex Legends players have uncovered a ‘Sprintout cancel’ trick that drastically reduces the sprint to fire time when running with a weapon.

It’s been a little over three years since Apex Legends first launched, and as Respawn Entertainment keeps adding new legends to the battle royale, players keep finding new ways to play the game.

Plenty of tricks and tips have been compiled over the last few years, but there is still room for more – and that includes the new ‘Sprintout cancel’ trick that some players have been using.

While sprinting and then trying to pull out a weapon can lead to some frustrations, especially if you’re charging head first into a fight, this new trick can really help in that department and speed things up a fair bit.

How to do Apex Legends Sprintout cancel trick

It was highlighted by ItsFlicked, an Apex Legends YouTuber who has uncovered a handful of useful tricks in the past, who pointed out it revolves around inspecting your weapon before canceling.

That’s right, when you’re running with your gun out, you simply have to press to inspect your weapon and then quickly shoot before your character starts really looking at the weapon in question.

This, as the YouTuber notes, will reduce the sprint to fire time from around 0.26 to a swift 0.05 seconds, which is a drastic difference, even if it does appear to be a bit minuscule in the grand scheme of things.

While the trick can seem a bit fiddly, some controller players have noted that it works there too, and isn’t just specific to keyboard and mouse users. Though, success levels on controller can vary.

It’s not exactly a game-breaking exploit but is certain to give some players an advantage. So, it remains to be seen if Respawn will take a look at it and maybe tweak a few things.