Strange Apex Legends bug attaches huge gunshield to weapons

Alec Mullins

Apex Legends visual bugs are nothing new, but this gunshield-style texture problem is creating a big problem when it comes to combatting other teams

While Apex Legends Season 11 has successfully avoided the server problems of seasons past, there has still been a number of bugs and glitches getting in players’ way throughout each game and this broken texture bug is chief among them.

It doesn’t matter if you want to run away or fight back — every option is made more difficult when an oversized texture begins to block out the sun but not the enemy bullets.

‘Game-breaking’ Apex Legends gunshield bug

The “gunshield” is so big that it blocks all but the edges of the screen for any player who encounters it.

While there’s no official explanation for what causes this bug, players are reporting it happening in the midst of gunfights.


When posting the original clip ManOfNiel also added a note about how often the problem occurs: “I noticed I was getting them stuck on my FOV randomly when I was getting shot. Turned it off and they haven’t shown up since.”

Another user chimed in to commiserate and offer a temporary fix: “Had this happen a few times too. Might be a better way to fix but dropping the gun and picking it back up removed the decals for me.”

How to fix Apex’s broken texture bug

Apex Legends impact marks settings in the game's video menu
The video menu holds the key to fixing this bug (and could also improve your game’s performance if you haven’t adjusted any of the options before).

While dropping the weapon may be a temporary fix, there’s also another way that seems to stop this from happening:

  1. Open the Settings menu in-game
  2. Select the Video tab
  3. Scroll to Impact Marks and decrease the setting as low as possible.

This will minorly affect the game’s visuals but it also ensures that no one is fighting blind while inevitably getting third-partied via some pesky Octane tricks.