Strange Apex Legends bug rewards players with free Apex Coins

Connor Bennett

A strange bug in Apex Legends has been handing out free Apex Coins – and nobody has been able to nail down a concrete reason why. 

Apex Legends is well into its third season of content now following its release in early February, but it hasn’t been entirely smooth sailing for Respawn Entertainment. 

Fans have noted issues with the game’s performance, being able to accurately shoot enemies with certain weapons, and even being able to load the World’s Edge map. Yet, the spotlight has been shined on another issue even though it might actually benefit players and hurt Respawn’s pockets.

Respawn Entertainment - Apex LegendsPlayers are able to use Apex Coins to buy new content for their favorite legends.

In a post to the Apex Legends subreddit, user hagennn revealed that after playing a game with their friend in which they got disconnected, they received 7,000 Apex Coins without any rhyme or reason. 

“We joined a lobby, both got kicked, and he got the currency, so believe me I wish I could have replicated it too,” they explained after asked if they were able to copy what their pal had done. While the Redditor didn’t initially reveal if they had benefited, hagennn noted they’d received 2,150 Apex Coins – again, without a reason outside of the disconnection.

While some Redditors believed it may have been a visual glitch, hagennn revealed that their friend was actually able to spend the coins on Apex packs.

One poster, SlyFoxC, explained they’d experienced similar in the past while having their account on a friend’s console. After being disconnected, he managed to receive all of his friend’s previous purchases of Apex Coins. However, hagennn didn’t reveal if this could have been the case for their situation. 

Now the 7,000 isn’t the most absurd number that has been linked to this issue, as back in February, Redditor MrJakeHD received over 125 million Apex Coins out of the blue.

There hasn’t been an amount close to that to this day, but it appears as if there is still a glitch in Respawn’s system that is handing over the free premium currency. It very much remains to be seen if they’ll put a fix in place, especially with Season 4 just around the corner which will undoubtedly have a huge rollout of content.