Student blows away Apex Legends players with perfect shield project

Brianna Reeves
apex legends shield

Apex Legends fans are impressed by one student’s art class project that includes a Shield Cell inspired by the popular battle royale game.

The Shield Cell counts as one of the ways that players can restore their character’s shields. In-game, this particular regen item comes in the form of a large blue battery.

As many fans know, there exists no shortage of Shield Cell collectibles in the real world. Several creators on Etsy, for example, have recreated the item as 3D-printed replicas, keychains, and coffee tumblers.

But one fan, in particular, recently took the Apex Legends subreddit by storm with their inspired art class project.

Apex Legends’ Shield Cell makes for the perfect art project

Reddit user PlentyAd5204 has wowed Apex Legends faithful in the game’s subreddit with a photo of their work for an art class.

The pottery project resulted in a recreation of the battle royale’s blue Shield Cell, complete with a removable top and painted logo.

While the Redditor never specified what their cell is made of, it appears to be comprised of ceramic material. Whatever the case, PlentyAd5204’s efforts are nothing short of incredibly impressive, evidenced by the post’s 3,600-plus upvotes.

Several other Apex Legends players called the shield-based art project “such a good idea” for a pot or cookie jar.

In addition to stopping to appreciate quality fan art, the Apex Legends community patiently awaits the game’s next major update.

The next season, entitled Eclipse, will go live in early November, introducing a new character named Catalyst to the world of Apex Legends.

More details about Season 15 and the newest Legend should go live in a reveal trailer on Thursday, October 20.