TSM signs Japanese Apex Legends streamer Shibuya Hal

Connor Bennett
VTuber Shibuya Hal alongside Apex LEgends logo

TSM have added another Hal to their stable of Apex Legends players and content creators, signing Japanese streaming sensation Shibuya Hal.

Just like many of its battle royale rivals, Apex Legends has also helped foster a massive community of content creators who make videos and stream their matches to thousands of fans.

One of the biggest, at least recently, has come in the form of Shibuya Hal – a Japanese VTuber who has racked up close to 1 million subscribers on YouTube, while also having a massive following across both Twitch and Twitter as well.

On April 25, the VTuber teased fans that he had, at long last, joined an organization to work alongside and has since confirmed that he’ll be joining TSM – but don’t expect him to take ImperialHal’s spot anytime soon.

Shibuya Hal in Apex Legends Storm Point map
Shibuya Hal has become a massive sensation in Apex.

Shibuya Hal joins TSM

The North American org confirmed the signing on April 26, welcoming the uber-popular VTuber to their ranks with a montage of some of his craziest highlight plays and wins.

“One Hal was good, but how about two?” TSM said, with ImperialHal also welcoming his namesake to the team, adding: “Welcome to TSM, brother.”

The VTuber had a simple “thank you” message for the org and his fans, and even got an updated version of his VTuber model wearing the TSM jersey and colors.

The content creator, who streams across both Twitch and YouTube, is TSM’s first signing outside of North America for Apex content, joining the likes of Daltoosh, Noko, and Albralelie.

He’s already expressed his desire to work alongside his few content creators in the future, so we’ll just have to wait for them to link up and start picking up wins in Apex.