Unlucky Apex Legends fail shows how Storm Point’s Gravity Cannons can ruin a match

Alan Bernal
apex legends gravity cannons

An Apex Legends player learned the hard way that Gravity Cannons can activate without having to actually step on them, showing how Storm Point’s launchers can quickly ruin a match.

At the turn of Season 11, Respawn Entertainment introduced the tropical sights and sounds of its fourth map in the series. What makes Storm Point unique are the hazards and local fauna scattered throughout the map.

Though not a hazard outright, some players are finding that the new Gravity Cannons can be just as deadly as the Prowlers and spiders living on the map.

An Apex Legends fail showed why you shouldn’t play around the cannons, especially in the latter portions of a match when the zone can quickly kill you off.

Apex Legends Gravity Cannon fail

Reddit user ‘c0-pilot’ and their team were in the last rounds of a ranked match where only five teams were left. The squad has its back toward the ring and were maneuvering around and underneath a Gravity Cannon.

They ducked even lower into the cannon’s underside when its propulsion effects lit up and flung the player across the air.

“Yesterday I learned that you can activate the gravity cannons from beneath,” they said.

Under the ring’s damaging effects, Wattson’s poignant voiceline mid-air summed up the player’s realization by saying: “I’m in trouble.”

apex legends gravity cannons
Apex Legends players can activate the Gravity Cannon from above and apparently below.

Due to the zone’s damage in the fifth round, the player was downed as soon as they landed.

While the player could have pulled out some heals mid-flight, they were surprised by the cannon’s activation to react in time.

This is a good reminder for people trying out Storm Point that these launchers can work both for and against their team.