Apex Legends Season 10 weapon changes: EVA-8 nerf, 30-30 buff, more

Jacob Hale
apex legends season 10 weapon changes

Apex Legends Season 10 is upon us and brought with it a number of huge changes and new features. Of course, this means a shift in the weapon meta, with certain weapons being buffed, nerfed, or better balanced for the Apex Games.

Emergence introduces new legend Seer to Apex Legends when it drops on August 3, as well as some map changes to World’s Edge. You can find out more about both of those in the full Apex Legends Season 10 patch notes.

Not only that, but the Rampage LMG arrives in the game too, a high-powered heavy ammo LMG that can beam in mid-range gunfights.

Here are all the weapon changes in Apex Legends Season 10.

Apex Legends Season 10 weapon buffs & nerfs

Interrupt Seer Tactical Apex Legends
Seer’s Tactical can interrupt enemy actions, including healing.

L-Star buff

The L-Star has seen a number of changes for Apex Legends Season 10, so don’t be surprised to see it become a far more popular weapon throughout the season. Here’s what’s changing:

  • Now takes Energy Magazines—Mags on the L-STAR work differently than other weapons because of its unique interaction with ammo. Instead they will allow the L-STAR to fire more shots before it overheats and allow it to cool-off its heat build up slightly faster.
  • Now take Barrels for recoil reduction
  • Projectile VFX scale reduced by roughly half
  • First-Person on-hit impact effect intensity reduced
  • Hipfire spread increased

30-30 Repeater buff

It’s not a huge change for the 30-30 Repeater, but the reload speed from stocks has increased. With the amount of time you spend reloading the 30-30, this will no doubt be handy going forwards.

EVA-8 nerf

  • Significantly reduced bolt fire-rate scaling for each rarity tier
  • Base fire-rate remains unchanged

Only minor changes for the EVA-8, but it should now be better balanced alongside the Peacekeeper and Mastiff shotguns.

Prowler Burst PDW nerf

The former supply drop SMG has received a slight nerf as it returns to floor loot, with the Time Between Burst increased from 0.2 to 0.24.

You also won’t be able to use select fire on the Prowler anymore.

M600 Spitfire Buff

The ever-changing Spitfire has received a buff for Season 10, because it’s going into care packages, with the following changes:

  • Damage increased from 18 to 19
  • Hip Fire Spread back to season 8 pre-nerf values
  • Purple Mag Size increased from 50 to 55
m600 spitfire apex legends
The M600 Spitfire has long been a popular pick in Apex Legends.

LMG nerfs

In order to slow down the tried and true “spray and pray” method for LMGs, the headshot multiplier on these weapons has seen a considerable reduction, although there has been a slight increase on limbshot multipliers.

  • Reduced the headshot multiplier for all LMGs from 2.0 to 1.75
  • Increased the limbshot multiplier for all LMGs from 0.75 to 0.85

Pistol buffs in Season 10

Pistols received a slight buff in Season 10, with changes to the handling of the weapons. This should counter the hit they took from the removal of the Quickdraw Holster and reload speed moving from mags to stocks.

  • Reduced handling time for all pistols by ~10%
  • Raise, Holster, Zoom In/Out time

Apex Legends Season 10 Supply Drop rotation

Here are the changes to supply drops in Apex Legends Season 10:

  • In: M600 Spitfire, Alternator SMG
  • Out: Prowler Burst PDW

Hop-Up changes

The Anvil Receiver and Quickdraw Holster are being vaulted for Apex Legends Season 10, making way for the new Boosted Loader. With this, reloading near empty (but not at 0) increases reload speed and overloads the next magazine with extra rounds. This hop up will be equipable to the Hemlok Burst AR and the Wingman.

Fully Kitted rotation

New season, new Fully Kitted rotation. Here are the changes:

  • Added: Peacekeeper, Rampage, RE-45, Flatline, and Charge Rifle
  • Removed: Wingman, Bocek, R99, Hemlock, and Sentinel
apex legends season 10 fully kitted
The Fully Kitted rotation in Apex Legends Season 10.

Stock & Magazine attachment changes

The reload speed increase associated with magazines has been moved to the equivalent stock rarity tier.

As well as this, Marksman Weapons (30-30 Repeater, G7 Scout, Triple-Take) now take Sniper Stocks instead of Tactical Stocks. They will offer increased stability and sway reduction with slightly reduced handling bonuses.

Arenas weapon changes

As well as BR, there have been several changes to Arenas weapons. Care package changes apply to arenas, so the Prowler and Rampage replace the Alternator and Spitfire in the Arenas shop. Here’s the cost for each:

Level Prowler Rampage
Base 450 500
1 200 200
2 300 300
3 400 350

Arenas price adjustments

The following price adjustments have been made to Arenas weapons for Season 10:


  • Lvl 1: 100 -> 150
  • Lvl 2: 200 -> 250
  • Lvl 3: 300 -> 350

30-30 Repeater

  • Lvl 1: 200 -> 150

Bocek Bow

  • Base: 600 -> 500

Charge Rifle

  • Base: 700 -> 600
  • Lvl 1: 250 -> 200
  • Lvl 2: 300 -> 200
  • Lvl 3: 400 -> 450


  • Base: 300 -> 350


  • Base: 400 -> 350


  • Base: 500 -> 350
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