When to use Apex Legends “bait fights” to draw out easy kills

Alan Bernal

Getting ‘third-partied’ in Apex Legends can be a frustrating ordeal for any squad, but you can easily turn the tables by using ‘bait fights’ to counter lurking players.

The idea is simple and has been used, at least in concept, since Apex launched but its effectiveness depends on how the strat is pulled off. Usually, players will accomplish a form of bait fights by firing off aimless shots to entice people from coming out of their hiding places, punishing them once they’ve revealed themselves.

While that can yield some positive results for your team, ‘Pathfounder14’ showed how to perfect the bait fight with a bit of theatrics and well-timed bursts of fire to attract other people.

Baiting players to a fight could get you easy kills in Apex.

Along with their duo partner, Pathfounder14 was hurling volleys of gunfire from their R-99 toward their teammate. But it wasn’t a series of one-and-done shots, instead, they were continuous bursts that signaled desperation and struggle.

Obviously this should be attempted with a decent amount of munitions in stock since the bait needs a fair bit of ammo to burn through in order to make it sound convincing.

The intricate guise was needed because what Pathfounder and their friend were trying to replicate was the natural ebb and flow of aggression and defense in a regular firefight.

Both players were firing at each other, pushing up to the higher ground, backing off and retreating to safety, all to help sell the idea that there were people in trouble.

The devious seeds of misdirection they sowed quickly reaped fresh fruit in the form of an eager team ziplining into the fray of faux-combat.

As soon as the two baiting players heard the ultimate being used with people coming toward them, they instantly turned the focus of their fire to the vulnerable team on the zipline.

The convincing fight against a teammate was enough to draw out other Apex Legends teams.

In the entire clip, the bait fight was actually the longest engagement since eliminating the opposing team turned out to be a quick affair in the video.

Bait fighting in this instance proved to be incredibly potent since it relies on there being players in the lobby that want to third-party, something that is pretty common in Apex Legends.