xQc can’t believe his eyes after catching blatant Apex Legends cheater

Connor Bennett

Popular Twitch streamer Félix ‘ Apex Legends.

The free-to-play battle royale title has become of the most popular games in the world and has begun dominating the Twitch viewer charts – replacing its own rival, Fortnite. However, the popularity of the title and the lack of a price tag means it’s primed for cheaters. 

Respawn recently revealed that Overwatch pro and his pals immediately began laughing out loud.

“He’s tracking through the walls dude!,” xQc called out, before immediately continuing his laughter once the enemy continued to shoot in a perfectly straight line. Jokingly acting surprised by what he had witnessed, xQc shouted “Holy shit!” as they cheater took down another enemy – which caused the hyena-like laughing from him and his pals to continue.

While there is currently no method to report Apex Legends cheaters in-game, players are able to report them via the game’s website.

Respawn have announced that they already working on implementing an in-game reporting system and they may want to fast track that before xQc loses his mind, even further, thanks to cheaters.