Baldur’s Gate 3 players praise rare Amulet “too many people sleep on”

Brianna Reeves
baldur's gate 3 amulet

Baldur’s Gate 3’s Amulet of Branding is finally getting love from players who believe “too many people sleep on” the rare magical item.

Amulets in often play a vital role in a Baldur’s Gate 3 character build by augmenting their capabilities with various bonuses. Some Amulets appear in several “best” lists, with the Amulet of Greater Health, Amulet of The Devout, and the Spellcrux Amulet receiving the most recommendations.

However, not all magic items receive their fair share of praise from the community. Players argue the Amulet of Branding counts as one such item, even though it offers bonuses that benefit multiple playstyles.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players can loot the Amulet in question from A’jak’nir Jeera in the Creche. Equipping it unlocks the Brand of the Weak spell, which imposes vulnerability to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage types on an enemy for up to three turns.

Gameplay footage shared by a Reddit user demonstrates the power of the Amulet of Branding, which is so effective that the player calls it their “new favorite item.”

In subsequent comments, the Redditor said the Amulet “essentially doubles your outgoing damage.”

However, another user pointed out that much of the damage dealt in the video stems from the Divine Smite spell. “Still, it gives you a lot, especially with Great Weapon Master and Luck of the Far Realms,” the person added.

Still, other Baldur’s Gate 3 fans chimed in to sing the Amulet of Branding’s praises. According to one Redditor, “Too many people sleep on this item. It is so good.”

Another user called the Amulet “fantastic for lining up big hits” and praised it as a solid choice for Rogue builds.

While it may not get a lot of attention, it’s clear the Amulet of Branding is one magic item players shouldn’t overlook.