Baldur’s Gate 3’s Auntie Ethel has the most brutal class insults

Brianna Reeves
baldur's gate 3 auntie ethel

Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with clever insults, and Auntie Ethel saves her most cutting remarks for certain character classes.

Since its launch, Baldur’s Gate 3 has received nothing but praise for its writing. The poignant storytelling sits at the center of the acclaim, of course, yet even some minor lines of dialogue have garnered applause.

Reddit user peparony recently highlighted the mocking comments Auntie Ethel delivers when conversing with specific character classes.

“Auntie’s class-specific insults crack me up,” the poster shared on the BG3 subreddit. They noted that Baldur’s Gate 3 players who meet Auntie Ethel as a Barbarian will be called “brainless.”

Meanwhile, Paladins can expect the NPC to describe them as a “crusty old blowhard obsessed with their oath.”

baldur's gate 3 auntie ethel
Auntie Ethel and her true form.

Players agree that Auntie Ethel’s cutting remarks count among the game’s most vicious. Given that she’s a Hag who revels in bringing suffering to others, it should come as no surprise.

One person in the Reddit thread said of her insults, “Ethel’s vicious mockeries are by far the best because they’re PERSONAL.”

Some of Ethel’s Origin-specific gibes further drive this point home. For example, the character tells Lae’zel, “Do you miss kissing Vlaakith’s feet, gith?”

One cruel remark to Shadowheart reads, “Why would Shar love you when no one else does?”

Auntie Ethel isn’t the only Baldur’s Gate 3 character who dishes out mean-spirited insults, either. During combat, players can hear hundreds of mockery lines, all geared toward getting under an enemy’s skin.

One such insult includes, “Your body is a temple… to an idiot god.” Another popular line that gets thrown around is “It vexes me to know of you.” And “Pernicious, putrifying pissant” serves as another favorite mid-battle gibe.