Baldur’s Gate 3 devs brought to tears responding to son of player memorialized in game

Shane Black
Baldur's gate 3 Golbraith character screen

The team behind Baldur’s Gate 3 has responded to a fan’s letter by memorializing their father in the game in a meaningful way.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has all kinds of characters and secrets tucked away in corners that players may easily miss if not looking out for them.

While most of people assume they’re lighthearted references or Easter eggs, some serve a much more personal purpose.

Now, the Baldur’s Gate 3 devs have shared their emotional reaction to a letter from a fan whose father is memorialized in the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 devs share tear-jerking letter from fan

The story was shared on X, where the initial letter written to Larian Studios was shown. The letter details how the fan and their father were excited for Baldurs Gate 3, and, unfortunately, their father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

The thread was posted by Rachel Quirke, a writer for Larian, who said: “There wasn’t a dry eye in the house when we read that letter… Really happy we got to honor the mighty mindflayer hunter.”

The player explained that they were thankful for the Early Access period of the game to enjoy together before the disease progressed further.

They went on to share another letter, explaining how Larian reached out to this fan and asked if they wanted their father to be memorialized in the game in some way.

They naturally said yes, and when the game came out, Larian told the fan where they could look for their father’s reference.

Expecting some small plague or book, the player was amazed to find an entire character named Golbraith, a retired Mindflayer hunter who shares a deep connection with his son.

The fan thanked Larian for this and noted how excited their father was to hear about the reference.

Quirke explains that she was the one who wrote the story for Golbraith, though she was not the original writer who reached out to the fan.

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community is also joining in on the emotions of the story, with one user saying, “When I found this out I bawled my eyes out.”

The whole situation is a touching reminder of how gaming can be more than just mindless entertainment.