Baldur’s Gate 3 player outsmarts Honor Mode with an unexpected “spell”

Cande Maldonado
Baldur's gate 3 gale picking a spell to survive Honor Mode

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community was split after one player revealed a crafty, off-the-spellbook trick to survive Honor Mode.

Honor Mode is known for its brutal difficulty, where a single mistake – or game-breaking bug – can erase hours of gameplay.

One player claimed there’s a game-changing spell to save your run in Honor Mode: Taskkiller Torsion. If the name doesn’t sound familiar – it’s because it’s a fan-made cheeky nod to the PC’s Task Manager.

The Baldur’s Gate 3 player’s Reddit post featured a screenshot with a full hotbar of spells, prominently displaying the Task Manager icon.

The trick is to use Task Manager to close the game just before death to avoid a disastrous wipe.

While some players have criticized this tactic, saying, “Just play normal mode if you have to Task Manager cheat,” others have defended it. They argue that Honor Mode presents unique challenges, like facing bosses with Legendary Actions that aren’t available on other difficulty levels.

Another player warned that even this method isn’t foolproof: “I did this, but the game knew and I didn’t get the achievement.” So, while it might save you from a dire situation, it won’t necessarily help you achieve Honor Mode bragging rights.

For purists looking for an in-game solution, there’s another strategy. One player suggested using the Monk’s Step of the Wind ability to cheese nearly any fight. However, this tactic won’t work against the final battle with Myrkul.

Whether you’re a hardcore Honor Mode fan or a casual player, Baldur’s Gate 3 keeps growing after its first anniversary. And with Patch 7 introducing a grim new ending for evil playthroughs when it releases in September, there’s never been a better time to dive back into the Forgotten Realms.