Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers “deeply disturbing” toy to play fetch with Scratch

Cande Maldonado
Scratch playing fetch with Karlach's head in BG3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have uncovered a darkly humorous way to play fetch with their loyal camp dog, Scratch…but the toy is pretty disturbing.

Scratch is usually a source of wholesomeness in BG3; you pet him, hug him, and sometimes play fetch with him. In most instances, this involves throwing a ball for him to retrieve.

Alas, in Baldur’s Gate 3, nothing stays innocent for long. Some players recently discovered you can play fetch using Karlach’s head. As in, detached from her body.

If you decide to sacrifice Karlach during Act 1 for the “Hunt the Devil” quest, her noggin remains in your inventory.

Next time you’re chilling at camp, just toss Karlach’s head, and Scratch will eagerly fetch it, bringing it back with a notice “Item Received: Karlach’s Head.”

Tav throwing Karlach's head to Scratch in Baldur's Gate 3

Player reactions have been a mix of horrified amusement and dark humor. One Reddit user quipped, “It’s what she would have wanted,” likely referencing Karlach’s good-hearted nature and darkly imagining her approval.

If you feel like Karlach is too good of a companion to sacrifice, and since the headless Karlach glitch has been patched, you can just opt for another character.

This isn’t a one-off gag. If you find yourself in possession of any other companion’s head – say, Gale, as another Reddit user mentioned – Scratch is just as happy to fetch those too.

As another user pointed out, “Personally, I’m more of a Nere’s head kind of guy,” suggesting a more villainous character’s head might make for a less guilt-ridden game of fetch.

Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t shy away from gruesome choices, some of which happen overnight at camp and without your consent. Whether it’s sacrificing your allies or playing fetch with their heads, BG3 continues to embrace its reputation for dark choices and twisted humor.