Baldur’s Gate 3 player explains why siding with the Emperor is completely idiotic

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3

The Emperor in Baldur’s Gate 3 plays a major part as he is one of the key players in the story. However, one player feels that siding with the Emperor is not a pragmatic option, but rather an idiotic one.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of those games that offers massive freedom to the players. You have the option to decide what kind of ending you are willing to go for in the game and the emperor plays a key role in that regard.

Siding with the emperor has often been considered as a pragmatic option. However, one player feels that siding with him is not pragmatic but rather idiotic. As it happens, quite a lot of players are supporting this player’s statement.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players think siding with the Emperor is “logic breaking idiocy”

The discussion surrounding this topic was initiated by a Reddit user who claimed that siding with either of Orpheus or the Emperor requires a leap of faith. However, they feel that most players often claim that siding with the emperor is considered a pragmatic option.

According to this player, “there’s no reason to trust Emperor” as all of his decisions were influenced by the Netherbrain. In short, the Emperor is not a strategist, but instead a puppet who only continues to make the Netherbrain stronger.

Additionally, this user also suspects that “letting him consume Orpheus” was probably a master plan by the Netherbrain. This is because Orpheus was immune to Illithid powers and the only form of protection for the players. Hence, this user concluded that “choosing the Emperor is not more “pragmatic”, it’s logic-breaking idiocy.”

One player agreed to this idea as they claimed, “On the Emperor’s side he’s been lying and manipulative the whole damned time.” Another player chimed in, “The biggest factor for me in this decision was Lae’zel, I felt the emperor was genuine but out of his depth and Orpheus was a total unknown but with Lea’zel I understood her motivations and I liked her.”

Finally, one of the user claimed, “This is why I have zero time for all the Emperor simps constantly splitting hairs and making ridiculous exceptions for him.”

Therefore, it is safe to claim that a lot of players feel that siding with the Emperor is probably the wrong choice. Some of them decide to go with it regardless, but the fact that the Emperor is manipulative is something that most players do not enjoy.