Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds unique way to save party with Scroll of Burning Hands

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 often offers players unique ways through which they can fight against enemies and clear quests. However, one player managed to use a Scroll of Burning Hands in the most unique way possible to protect party from wiping in an Honour mode run.

Honour Mode is a special difficulty level in Baldur’s Gate 3 where you get only one chance to clear the game. If you wipe, you will need to start right from the beginning once again. This is a challenge and it often requires a lot of preparation and innovation.

As it happens, one player was invested in an Honour Mode run with their friends. Their party was on the verge of wiping and one of their friends decided to throw a Scroll of Burning Hands on the enemy. This ended up defeating the boss and saved the party from wiping.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player figures unique way to use Scroll of Burning Hands to save party from wiping

The discussion surrounding the topic was started by a player named Sadeindustries. The user claimed, “So I’m attempting an honour mode run with a few friends (onto our second attempt after a poorly planned Owlbear encounter ended our first run). We’re in the middle of an insanely tense fight with the paladins hunting Karlach. Went in at level 3, the main guy insta drops two of our PCs (oh oh).”

They continued, “This friend (who’s got over 150hrs in the game) is smart enough to get the distance to disengage, and he successfully revives one of us at Withers (I was stabilised so stuck in a weird combat round loop with no one doing anything). He comes back with reinforcements, and we nearly wipe again, so off he goes back to Withers, while I’m patiently stuck in endless combat loops (think we ticked 100 rounds of combat for this fight.)”

They concluded, “Comes back, is out of spell slots, luckily I find a scroll of burning hands for him to use, and he PROCEEDS TO THROW THE SCROLL at the paladin. Thankfully, a lucky blow downed the big guy, and we were able to finish off the other two.”

The post garnered a lot of attention from the fans as many of them found it interesting. One such user commented, “Sounds like something my int 8 sorc would do.” Another user chimed in, “This sounds so painful lol. Get a cleric in your party, when you guys get downed, heal then sanctuary.”

One player also claimed, “If you get Anders’ sword away from him the fight is cake. Heat metal, command, disarming strike, whatever you can do to get that sword and his little trio is toothless.” Finally, a player mentioned, “If you throw a health pot on the ground near your party, they get healed by splash damage.”

Therefore, it is safe to say that even though the act was heroic, players decided to advise the post owner with tricks that would make the fight easier. This is because failing an Honour mode run can be painful and it is always better to remain prepared.