Baldur’s Gate 3 player gets to the bottom of Halsin’s unpopularity

Theo Burman
Baldur's Gate Halsin the druid header

Halsin the druid has become a bit of a joke among players of Baldur’s Gate 3, but one player is wondering how much of that apathy is actually real.

With all the insanely well-developed characters in Baldur’s Gate 3, it was inevitable that some of them would rise to the top. Companions like Astarion and Shadowheart have made massive waves in the community, but this has also meant some characters have fallen by the wayside.

Chief among them is Halsin, who was quickly established as one of the less popular companions, to the point where players were contemplating if they’d prefer NPC Alfira to take his spot in camp.

However, each character has dedicated fans, and now that the dust has settled after the game’s release, one Halsin enjoyer is wondering if he’s still as unpopular.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player determines if Halsin apathy is exaggerated

In a post on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, one player asked: “Do people actually dislike Halsin that much? Why? I’m just kind of stunned at how much distaste (or apathy) there is for Halsin.

“He’s just a big chill bear dude who hangs out with you, can off-heal and off-tank, and will pound you if you want. But he’s also cool not doing that. It’s not like Wyll where you shatter his whole reality by not wanting to cheat on your existing partner with him out of nowhere.

“I love hanging out with him; he and Jaheira feel a lot more mature than the rest of the party. Legitimately curious: what’s not to like about him?”

Some players suggested that it wasn’t any fault of Halsin’s that he wasn’t more popular, it was just that the other characters were more compelling. One commenter said: “Halsin is my least favorite companion, not because I dislike him, but because I like every other companion more. He’s an okay character, but the others are all significantly more interesting.”

Another player proposed that Halsin lacked agency in his story as he doesn’t have much to do after the shadow curse is dealt with, which is a criticism that has also been leveled at Wyll.

For more news and updates on Baldur’s Gate 3, check out which part of the game players are describing as the most difficult encounter.

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About The Author

Theo is one of Dexerto's Senior Writers, covering trending news and digital culture. He's an expert in social media trends, the rise of AI, and the influencer entertainment scene. He can be contacted at