Baldurs Gate 3 players decide fate of the Emperor and it’s not good
Larian StudiosSome Baldur’s Gate 3 players are not fans of the Emperor character, and have decided that he needs to meet an unfortunate end.
There are a lot of beloved characters in Baldur’s Gate 3, with their personalities helping them to become fan-favorites.
However, given the game’s sheer amount of characters, there are always going to be some that won’t connect with some fans.
Such is the case with the Emperor, a prominent character who arrives late in Baldur’s Gate 3, and it looks like some players are just not fans of him.
Baldur’s Gate 3 players decide the Emperor needs to go
A post was recently made on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit that was aptly titled: “I F***ING HATE THE EMPEROR.”
The poster goes on to explain that the Emperor’s choices as a character and their motivations have made him one of their most disliked characters in the game.
A good chunk of the responses to the post have been in agreement as well, with one user saying, “I know, and yet people still side with him instead of Orpheus.”
It appears that his actions are the leading cause of people to dislike him, and yet, he still has a fair contingent of players who do like him.
The Emperor, as a character, is very goal-driven and cares very little for anyone who may stand in his way. In order to accomplish his goals, he has imprisoned Orpheus, another character that the Githyanki revere.
His cold demeanor and lack of remorse for his actions, have made him a target of some players’ scorn.
“He was a pragmatist and selfish, but also I think quite realistic. Not everyone will be a knight in shining armor and I’m actually impressed he does not betray you in the end, unless you betray him first or stop working with him.”
One person even comments that siding with the Emperor can lead to one of the game’s most powerful endings: “If you follow his path, you get to eat Orpheus and become the most powerful being in existence.”
When a game has such a wide cast of characters to interact with in Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s only natural that some of them are disliked by some, while liked by others.