Baldur’s Gate 3 players discover brutal detail about Tav’s affair with Mizora

Philip Trahan
baldur's gate 3 mizora

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans have realized an uncomfortable detail surrounding Wyll should players have an affair with Mizora.

In Larian Studio’s expansive RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3, fans can romance many of the game’s companions — as well as some side characters to the main story.

One of the side characters that players can romance — though only briefly — is Zariel’s cambion assistant and Wyll’s infernal patron, Mizora.

While each Tav can undertake a steamy affair with Wyll’s tormentor for one night, some fans have realized a subtle detail that emphasizes just how brutal this is for Wyll.

According to a player on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, Wyll’s disapproval messages during the Mizora romance cutscene points to the warlock watching the whole affair.

baldur's gate 3 evil

“While I was having a ‘steamy’ encounter with Mizora, I suddenly get ‘Wyll disapproves’ and I was like…he caught us and then… ‘Wyll disapproves,’ ‘Wyll disapproves,’ ‘Wyll disapproves,’ ‘Wyll disapproves.’ Dude didn’t just catch us in the act, he was watching us do it…” the fan theorized.

Others in the comments supported the OP’s line of thinking and noted that Wyll’s stone eye may be the linchpin in proving the theory correct.

“He has a sending stone from Mizora. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mizora purposely showed him the vision of your affair to anger him,” one player said. “I am fairly certain, Mizora only sleeps with the player to stir up drama.”

This is true, as players can discover that Wyll received his stone eye from Mizora after losing it fighting cultists. While it functions as a normal eye, it also allows Mizora to keep tabs on everything Wyll is up to.

Considering Mizora’s romance scene is a bit hard to trigger, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn that many who played Baldur’s Gate 3 never even had this interaction at all.

Of course, that may be for the best for those who want to save Wyll some heartache.