Baldur’s Gate 3 players fed up with “annoying” bug after recruiting Minthara

Michelle Cornelia
baldur's gate 3 recruit minthara

Recruiting Minthara in Baldur’s Gate 3 can lead to this particular bug that makes an additional NPC engage in combat with you, but there’s a catch.

Much like any other game, Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t without its fair share of bugs. Though some of them can be quite harmless or even hilarious, like leaving you glued to Halsin or seeing a massive-sized tadpole, a portion of them can be downright annoying – even more so when the bug is related to combat.

One example of the latter, is a bug that can trigger after recruiting Minthara, as revealed in a Reddit thread discussing a certain NPC appearing in combat.

Thanks to this recurring bug, Cerys, one of the Tiefling refugees in Baldur’s Gate 3, appears to join combat encounters with your party, but there’s a catch.

Regardless of where you are on the map, the bug causes the camera to cut over to her during her turn, even when she’s nowhere near your party.

Baldur's Gate 3 minthara
Recruiting Minthara can lead to Cerys somehow being in combat with you regardless of your party’s location.

“Anywhere I fight she is added and she’s always at The Light Inn. Even my fights in Moonrise Towers basement she is added. Getting annoying,” explained the OP. Others have shown that OP is indeed not alone when it comes to getting this bug.

“She disappeared for me after the first Ketheric fight, but it was so f****ng annoying cutting to a loading screen once per round,” mentioned another user.

Regarding this bug, one user explained that this happens when you tell Minthara the grove’s location, betray her at the gate, and knock her out before recruiting her at Moonrise Towers. 

There’s always a chance players who want to go down this route will experience this bug, but others in the comments have shared some ways they’ve dealt with it.

“Leave your party at your camp and go solo. Not sure what class you’re playing but I’m playing as Monk and killed her in one turn. Guards will start a convo, choose the option to go to jail then just break out. Long Rest so they stop being hostile. EZPZ,” one user wrote.

Meanwhile, other players suggested luring her into the portal from Halsin’s quest, which could lead to her getting killed in the process. With Patch 7 arriving later this year, players can expect more bug fixes to come to the game aside from new evil endings.