Baldur’s Gate 3 players realize iconic NPC is actually a centaur

Theo Burman
Baldur's Gate 3 skull construct in Astral Plane

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have discovered a little-known quirk about one of Act 2’s most recognizable NPCs, even though it was on clear display the whole time.

There’s a lot going on in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3. With the shadow curse looming and Ketheric’s plans in motion, there’s a lot distracting you from the real questions, like: How many feet does this character have?

Given all this, it’s understandable that some players weren’t paying a whole ton of attention when speaking to Thisobald, the brewer at the cozy little inn next to Moonrise Towers. In between the very generous pints that he pours you, you might not have noticed that he’s actually remarkably stable for someone who’s at least 60% alcohol.

His secret? He’s actually walking around on four legs! It’s not much of a secret if you’re paying attention, but that booze is pretty strong, and if you want to beat Thisobald without fighting him, you probably won’t see his rear end at all.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players clock that Act 2’s Thisobald is actually four-legged

One player on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit posted the full model of Thisobald, showing his full centaur-like physique.

And to be fair, if you’re only ever speaking to the guy face to face, you probably wouldn’t notice his extra feet. Thisobald’s well-rounded structure means it’s a little hard to look past his stomach.

Some players theorized that he ended up with the extra legs because of the shadow curse, with one comment reading: “His lower half is that of a pig which I think is more of the curse turning them into what their biggest sin captures best.”