Baldur’s Gate 3 players shocked by “heartless decisions” behind rare Scratch dialogue

Brianna Reeves
baldur's gate 3 scratch dialogue

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are surprised to learn about rare dialogue lines from Scratch and the unthinkable actions that inspire them.

One benefit of Baldur’s Gate 3’s Speak with Animals divination spell is the ability to converse with Scratch the dog. The pet companion’s voice lines range from heartfelt to adorable as far as players are concerned.

However, not every Baldur’s Gate 3 fan has experienced the full breadth of the canine’s conversations. This is because some dialogue is only heard by those who return Scratch to an abusive kennel master.

Reddit user kingy963 ignited such discussion when asking about “unique interactions most players miss.” They noted that “if you’re the worst human ever and choose to return Scratch to the kennels, upon your return he’ll ask you when you both can go home.”

Scratch will respond with, “meant for what to happen? When are you taking me home” if players choose to apologize. Those who double down and say that the kennels are his home will be met with, “I want to go with you – master?” as well as repeated “master” calls when walking away.

baldur's gate 3 scratch dialogue

Baldur’s Gate 3 players who weren’t aware of this Scratch dialogue can’t believe anyone would even make such a decision.

One response to the thread reads, “How does ANYONE ever see that? That requires like 3 different heartless decisions all in the same playthrough.”

Another user said they didn’t know Scratch could be given away. “I just keep him in our camp all playthrough (don’t even bother to summon him because I don’t DARE expose the good dog to danger in battles),” they said.

Meanwhile, someone else chimed in with, “This was information I wish I never learned.”

And reading about the scene made one BG3 fan want to hug their own dog. If nothing else, it’s clear Scratch remains a fan-favorite character.

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About The Author

Brianna graduated from SHSU in 2018 with a Master's degree in English Literature. In the past, she's written for Comic Book Resources, PlayStation LifeStyle, and Screen Rant. On top of penning scripts for GVMERS, Brianna covers the latest gaming news for Dexerto. Her expertise lies in PlayStation, single-player games such as Assassin's Creed, and anything Batman-related. You can contact her at