Baldur’s Gate 3 still dominates Steam Charts months after launch
Larian Studios / ValveFans loved Baldur’s Gate 3 at launch, and Steam chart statistics show that many fans still love the game.
Baldur’s Gate 3 was released to immediate acclaim from fans, thanks to its immersive gameplay and varied dialogue and story options, with reportedly over “17,000” possible different game endings.
Fans loved the game so much that they far exceeded the demand that Larian Studios expected for their new iteration in the Baldurs Gate franchise. The developers expected a peak of 100,000 playing the game – not the 500,000-player peak that the game hit in early August.
Now, nearly two months after the game’s rave release, have the Steam charts changed, and do players still feel the same burning passion for Larian Studios BG3 as when it was first released?
Baldur’s Gate 3 boasts impressive Steam chart stats
Baldur’s Gate 3 peaked at nearly one million players, charting an official 875,343 concurrent players courtesy of Steam charts. But, with such a dramatic high, fans are even more impressed that BG3 has managed to hold players’ hype and not dip in player count, with 300k players nearly two months after its release.
Fans have been enamored with Baldur’s Gate 3 due to its replayability; Larian Studios have provided players with a plethora of different classes and builds, all with their own unique playstyle.
BG3 not only provides players with a solid, mostly bug-free, and polished base game experience, but the Baldur’s Gate community has also found immense joy in creating unintended games and features, like Bowler’s Gate 3 and spending 5k gold for naked dwarf camp statues.