Baldur’s Gate 3 will pay you for killing this NPC

Jessica Filby
A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3

Some Baldur’s Gate 3 NPCs are so hated that the game itself will reward players for killing him – or at least the Flaming Fist will.

There are plenty of villains in Baldur’s Gate 3, and most are pretty satisfying to take down. However, that satisfaction comes primarily from the players, rather than Tav or their companions who get to fight them. That is unless you’re poor Sarevok, who is so hated that there’s an in-game bounty on his head.

Sharing their discovery on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit, one player revealed that you can get a reward for taking down the Bhaalspawn, Sarevok.

“This is the 4th time I’ve killed him and just now I decided to tell that Fist I did it and she gave me money… And here I was killing him out of the goodness of my heart. Damn. Could have used that money in HM,” joked the poster, revealing just how they managed to gain a reward for his death.

The poster went on to highlight that they were given “a little over 900 gold” for their services, which might not be groundbreaking but can be handy to those in Honor Mode, particularly if they need more potions.

Baldur's Gate 3 Devella Fountainhead
Meet with Gauntlet Devella Fountainhead for your reward.

To get this reward yourself, before you take on Sarevok, head to the Basilisk Gate Barracks in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate in Act Three and look for Gauntlet Devella Fountainhead. Once you chat with her, she’ll explain her murder list. Then, head over to the villain, take him down, and report back – and 900 gold will be yours.

While plenty only just learned this interesting feature, many felt the reward was a little bit of an understatement: “You’d think that the guy who was such a terror 100 years ago and who still evaded capture to this day would be worth more than 900 Gold.”

Sarevok is the offspring of Bhaal and even attempted to usurp the throne from him in Dungeons & Dragons lore, so to end someone that powerful and only get 900 Gold feels a little lackluster.

Nevertheless, 900 Gold will get you a healing potion or two and most players will kill him anyway, so there’s not much harm done – other than to Sarevok himself.