Baldur’s Gate 3’s players can use necromancy to reveal key Gale secret

Scott Baird
Gale as a bard

It usually takes Gale of Waterdeep time to reveal his true surname in Baldur’s Gate 3, but you can cheat your way to that information with the help of necromancy spells.

The cast of Baldur’s Gate 3 are generally unpleasant to be around from the get-go. And why shouldn’t they be? They have just escaped from a spaceship, where they had tadpoles inserted into their brain that will soon transform them into hideous monsters. That would make anyone cranky.

However, if you keep those allies in your party, complete their sidequests, and do things that they like, they will eventually open themselves up to you and become nicer. This is how you learn that the Wizard Gale of Waterdeep is actually named Gale Dekarios, as he will talk to you about his life and reasons for abandoning his given name.

Baldur's Gate 3 Gale on cover art

If you want to learn Gale’s surname without the agony of keeping his smug grin in the party, you can do it with the help of magic. As explained in a thread on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit, all you need to do is cast the Speak with Dead spell on his corpse. He will then reveal his full name when asked.

“Gale of Waterdeep is like his stage name. He’s a bit insecure, so he inflates his own ego by being super into his reputation as a great wizard,” one user explained, “When you romance him, he eventually decides that being Gale Dekarios is enough for him.”

But who has time to date Mr. Ofwaterdeep when you can just get the secret out of him with the help of necromancy. In D&D 5e spellcasting rules, any soul targeted with Speak with Dead doesn’t need to tell the truth, but perhaps being sent to the afterlife is all the push Gale needs to leave his lofty name behind.