Brutal Patch 7 Durge betrayal is making Baldur’s Gate 3 players reload to apologize

Cande Maldonado
Gale devastated over being betrayed in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3’s latest Patch 7 has players reeling after a brutal betrayal, with Gale’s heartbreaking final words leaving them in shambles.

This hefty update brings an official modding toolkit and a whole lot of new evil. It also devastated the player base by making the truth loud and clear: Alfira isn’t sticking around as a permanent companion.

Despite all the new content, it’s mostly got players desperately clinging to the new endings, especially the ones related to Dark Urge, the evil main character with potentially uncontrollable impulses that often result in death.

One of the true gut-punching evil endings of this patch is a line delivered by Gale that’s leaving players absolutely wrecked: “You made me want to live.”

Gale delivers this gem while plummeting from the flying Upper City of Baldur’s Gate. But his poignant farewell is anything but romantic. He doesn’t just fall; he succumbs to a fatal stab wound inflicted by you mid-kiss.

The emotional impact has been overwhelming. One player’s reaction captures the mood perfectly: “Reload and SAY YOU’RE SORRY.”

Another echoed the sentiment with a heartfelt cry, “IT’S TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING FOR ME TO BALL MY EYES OUT.”

One player admitted, “This line damn near ended me. I didn’t really like the Gale romance all that much, but this line, man.”

The reason this line is dubbed “the hardest” by players is that Gale is basically a magic-item-gobbling disaster waiting to explode. Throughout the story, he’s all too eager to sacrifice himself for the greater good, often musing about how he deserves his tragic fate.

If Gale makes it to the end, it’s because the player managed to keep him well-fed and avoided sacrificing him earlier. And then, just when he’s had his moment to shine, you cruelly betray him.

It’s clear that Patch 7’s emotional depth has struck a nerve, proving just how powerful storytelling can be in gaming.

It does seem like TAV is out and Dark Urge is in after Patch 7. Just a heads-up: if you’re planning to romance Astarion as Durge, get ready for some seriously cringey pet names.