Frustrating Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 7 bug completely changes Wyll’s behavior

Ethan Dean
baldur's gate 3 evil

Wyll is usually one of Baldur’s Gate 3’s kinder companions but a lingering Patch 7 bug is making him impossible to please and has changed his behavior completely.

Wyll is one of the more underrated companions in Baldur’s Gate 3. He doesn’t have as much fan-fiction as Astarion, or a cute little nickname like Shadowheart.

Fans of the embattled Warlock were hoping that the new content introduced in Patch 7 would bring him up to par with the game’s other companions. Unfortunately, Wyll’s new ending in Baldur’s Gate 3 left players disappointed in the apparent lack of attention paid to the character.

That lack of attention seems to extend to the backend of the game where an immersion-breaking bug introduced in Patch 7 has altered Wyll’s disposition. To make matters worse, one player has found the root of the issue and it looks to be an easy fix.

The bug in question causes Wyll to greet the player with contempt regardless of their approval rating with him. No matter how much favor you’ve garnered with the Blade of the Frontiers, if you have Patch 7 installed, he’ll greet you with a curt “You’ve got something to say?”

According to a Tumblr post shared via the Baldur’s Gate 3 Subreddit, a simple error in a single line of code is the issue. “Such a shame such a simple yet immersion-breaking bug hasn’t been fixed in any of the hotfixes yet,” one player complained.

For others, Wyll’s good-hearted nature meant they didn’t even register his shortness as a bad thing. “I thought it was just a new greeting I didn’t even pick up on it being negative,” a user admitted.

The issue of Wyll’s newfound grouchiness has been bugging PC players since Patch 7 released on the platform. Now that console players finally have access to the new update, it has become more widespread.