One spell is vital for cheating Baldur’s Gate 3 puzzles

Scott Baird
Baldur's Gate 3 spells

The world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is extremely dangerous and its greatest treasures are hidden behind vicious beasts and fiendish traps. Or, you could do what most players do and use a single spell to bypass them all.

As Baldur’s Gate 3 uses D&D 5E rules, the developers did their best to try and emulate the tabletop experience in video game form. This is why nearly every corpse and animal can be spoken to, as these can be done using spells.

Unfortunately, some magical effects can make the game a lot easier. In fact, the Dispel Magic spell was cut from the game early in development due to how much it complicated almost every encounter in the game.

One other spell has a similar effect in the final game, at least according to members of the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit. The spell in question is Misty Step, a short-range teleportation spell, as it lets you overcome many puzzles and dungeon hazards without actually dealing with them.

“I have never, in 8 playthroughs, bothered to get to the Adamantine Forge using the levers and platforms,” the OP wrote, “I just Misty Step/Long Jump from where Nere is, unlock the waypoint, and FT everyone else across. It took me a long time to realize there even was another way.”

“I don’t fight the room with the titan steel watcher. I just use someone to hide and jump/Misty Step to the neurocitor and boom, immediate cut scene,” another user wrote, while one said, “Never used the Shar’s trials properly. Misty step, my dear friend.”

Misty Step is so useful that some people don’t even know about different methods. “Wait hold up… there are levers to get to the forge? You don’t have to have misty step..? (I’m on like playthrough 12.)”

I even managed to pull this off in my own playthrough. Rather than dealing with the Goblin Camp leadership and acquiring a key to their locked treasure chamber, I simply stealthed past the guards, used Misty Step to get into their treasure room, looted everything, and then fast traveled to safety.

These were just a few players who waltzed past the hardest dungeons in Baldur’s Gate 3 with a single spell. Dimension Door and Fly are also useful for avoiding playing the game, but you don’t get them until later.

While using Misty Step to overcome the odds might seem like bad game design, it’s actually one of the most memorable aspects of Baldur’s Gate 3. Most games would prevent you from using your powers to skip content, but in Baldur’s Gate 3, it feels like it’s rewarding your ingenuity.