“Satisfying” Baldur’s Gate 3 spell is a must-have to deny enemies in the game

Michelle Cornelia
Gale casting a lightning spell in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players claim this spell is “so satisfying” to use against enemies, both gameplay and visual-wise in the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has some of the most difficult fights in the game, with enemies pulling off certain mechanics and spells that can potentially wipe your entire party. Hence, getting buffs and preparing your spells are essential.

While the game offers a lot of spells to choose from, one spell is apparently “so satisfying” to pull off during fights. According to players, that is none other than Counterspell.

In a Reddit thread titled “Get counterspelled idiot,” one user showcased how they managed to stop Balthazar from casting Animate Dead during the fight in Shadowfell.

Granted, some players prefer ending this fight by throwing him into the chasm, but seeing the necromancer standing there alone after being unable to cast his spell to bring his army of annoying skeletons is a hilarious sight to see.

Seeing this clip, one user wrote: “Counterspell is one of the most satisfying spells in the game for me. So powerful.” to which another replied with, “And I love how they make it even more so by emphasizing it in animation. It’s not just a dud, it’s a forcible halt.”

Another user commented: “Omg Counterspell! Why do I keep forgetting that spell. I did that fight so many times mostly to get better outcomes than dying.”

Meanwhile, one user mentioned that in their run, they managed to have Gale use Counterspell on a “little b**** in Act 3 who always tries to use Dimension Door” to flee on the first turn. 

“After getting denied retreat, Minthara reduced him to nothingness with a pair of level 3 smites. That was particularly satisfying,” they added.

“I very much enjoy having my sorcerer and Gale constantly NOPE enemy spells. F*** outta here,” one chimed in.

One of the best things about Baldur’s Gate 3 is that there’s so much freedom when dealing with fights. If you happen to not have anyone in the party who can use Counterspell, however, learning this trick is also an option.