Dr Disrespect mocks Battlefield 2042’s cosmetics as players demand refunds

Connor Knudsen
dr disrespect battlefield

Amid a storm of fans demanding refunds, things only seem to be getting worse for Battlefield 2042 as now, even Dr Disrespect is mocking their new cosmetics.

Things have been heating up in the worst possible way for Battlefield 2042. It continues to face backlash from players, and even former devs, as a refund petition has continued to grow past 50,000 signatures.

In the midst of all this bad press, the game posted a new cosmetic to their Twitter account on February 10 that immediately blew up.

The two-time himself, Dr Disrespect, shared his facetious excitement for the new gear with a Tweet that is sure to resonate with many players.

Dr Disrespect mocks Battlefield 2042 “Tactical Beanie”

Dr Disrespect talks on YouTube stream.

The official Battlefield Twitter account unveiled their new “Tactical Beanie” cosmetic item on February 10, and the community immediately showed their disdain for the gear piece.

This included YouTube star, Dr Disrespect, who simply quoted the tweet with the caption: “Super excited for this one.”

He wasn’t the only one chiming in, eitehr; others in the comments had a fair share of similar reactions to the new beanie.

This was perhaps most bluntly stated by content creator Frank Passalacqua: “You’re f****** joking, right? Right?”

“I swear this game is progressively getting worse and worse as time goes by. Barely any major improvements with fixes we got, just announcements of upcoming bug fixes. I’m afraid empty words are everything we’ll be getting from DICE regarding BF 2042. This franchise deserves better,” wrote another top comment.

Between these comments and Dr Disrepect’s chiding of the item, things only seem to be getting worse for a game that desperately needs some positive PR.

These frustrations with games like Battlefield has surely been part of the reason for Doc’s founding of Midnight Society, whose first game has been teased.

One thing is for certain: He and everyone else involved in that team will be hoping that their game has a far better reception than Battlefield 2042 has so far.