Abandoned MW3 AR is dominating Warzone again with rapid TTK in Season 5 Reloaded

Connor Bennett
Holger 556 in Warzone with logo

One of Modern Warfare 3’s previously most powerful assault rifles is a dominant option in Warzone again. Yet, some fans have truly abandoned it. 

When Modern Warfare 3’s cycle with Warzone first started, only the MW3 guns were viable. The guns from the previous game, Modern Warfare 2, were around but didn’t deal the same damage as the newer counterparts. 

Fast forward almost a year, and plenty of those MW2 guns are viable. Some have even taken the places of previously dominant Modern Warfare 3 options that have since fallen off because of nerfs. 

One such example is the Holger 556. The assault rifle dominated the Warzone meta for some time, leading some players to become disillusioned with it. After going through some nerfs, and subsequent buffs, the AR is back on the rise.

The assault rifle has been highlighted by Warzone creators like MrMarvelTV, who have pointed to it being a top option on both Urizkstan and Rebirth Island. “Man, this thing is a lot of fun to run. Just very very little recoil and very high TTK. Always a good combo,” he said in his August 31 video. 

  • Muzzle: Quartermaster Suppressor
  • Barrel: Chrios-6 Match
  • Optic: JAK Glassless
  • Magazine: 40-round mag
  • Stock: RB Addle Assault stock

Timestamp of 3:20

The YouTuber also noted that you can, if you’d prefer, take off the JAK Glassless optic and use an underbarrel attachment instead. However, the recoil isn’t so noticeable that you will have to focus fully on control like some other rifles.

As noted, the Holger has been forgotten about since topping the charts. According to WZRanked stats, the AR sits as the 40th most popular gun in Warzone right now. Yet, its power is so far beyond that, the Holger should be back on your radar if it isn’t already.