All Warzone map changes in Season 4 update: New Satellite Crash POIs, Red Doors, more

Brad Norton
Warzone Season 4 map changes

With the arrival of Warzone Season 4, Verdansk has been updated with a number of new changes to popular POIs and even a drastic Gulag overhaul. Here’s every map change you need to know about.No different from previous seasonal updates, Warzone Season 4 brought with it a good number of map changes across Verdansk. Ranging from a few minor adjustments to entirely new additions at popular POIs, there are a few key things to wrap your head around. Outside of the adjustments to Verdansk itself, we also have a new Red Door fast-travel system and even a completely fresh Gulag experience as well.Before you drop into the brand new season, here’s a comprehensive list of map changes in Warzone Season 4.

New Satellite Crash POIs in Warzone Season 4

Warzone Satellite Crash
Satellites have crashed in Verdansk to start up Season 4.
Up first are the new Satellite Crash POIs around Verdansk. As part of the Ground Fall event kicking things off, Satellites have crash-landed throughout the map, as the name may have implied. Four locations, in particular, have been altered as a result of these crashed Satellites. Krovnik Farmland was first in line as you’ll now be able to find one of these crash sites in the middle of a field. Next is Bloc 18 which now has a crash site located right next to the Salt Mines POI. Furthermore, Bloc 16 closeby also has a Satellite next to the Airport Control Tower.  Last but not least is Gora Bridge which was impacted by the final Satellite crash. This location appears to be more visibly damaged than others as bricks have been sent flying as a result of the explosion.

New Hijacked Gulag in Warzone Season 4

Warzone Season 4 Hijacked Gulag
Hijacked is the new Gulag layout for Season 4.
Outside of Verdansk itself, we also have a new Gulag layout for the beginning of Season 4. Taking inspiration from yet another classic Black Ops map, this time around we have the popular Hijacked taking over the Gulag. Replacing the Standoff layout, this new design should make veteran players feel right at home.

Additional map changes in Season 4

Outside of these drastic changes, a few other smaller tweaks have been made in Season 4. Downtown Tower is now “under new management” after a season inspired by 80’s Action heroes.This location should still play just the same as usual, but with a slightly different appearance.Finally, there’s a brand new fast-travel system in place across Verdansk as well. The previously leaked Red Doors are now scattered throughout the map, allowing players to teleport from one POI to another.