Black Ops 4: How to find your best sensitivity settings after latest update – ADS and High Zoom

Albert Petrosyan

The major game update that went live on December 12 for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 added a variety of new features and content in the game, including brand new options for controller sensitivity settings.

The two new sensitivity settings are ADS and High Zoom sensitivity, both of which can be found in the Controls section of the Settings menu. 

The ADS Sens option allows players to adjust their sensitivity while aiming down sights, but it does not apply to zoom levels over 4X.

That is reserved for the second option, High Zoom sens, which allows for adjusting sensitivity while aiming down sights when using 4X zoom optics or sniper scopes. 

With the addition of these new settings begs the question of how to determine the best sensitivities to use with each of the two options. 

Thankfully, Call of Duty expert YouTuber ‘TheXclusiveAce’ has released a video in which he goes over an in-depth process players can use to nail down their best sensitivities. 

His best recommendation is to load into custom lobbies and shoot against AI Bots, all while continuously tweaking and adjusting the sensitivities to find the perfect balance.

This will allows players to turn around and react faster when simply walking around or hip-firing, while not compromising and sacrificing the steadiness of their aim when aiming down sights.

As for the settings he currently uses, has has increased both the Horizontal and Vertical Look senses to 8 while reducing both the ADS and High Zoom to 0.75x

He wraps up the video by adding his two cents about what players should use for their regular Horizontal and Vertical sense settings, which he says should be between three and 10.

Any lower than three and the player is just way too slow in turning and reacting, and any higher than 10 and there is no added benefit while the loss in precision becomes a lot more noticeable.