Black Ops 6 hackers destined for huge win after Ranked crossplay change

It has been revealed that Black Ops 6 will not allow players to turn off crossplay in Ranked modes, forcing both console and PC players together, much to the dismay of console users.
Crossplay has been around for several years now in Call of Duty, allowing friends to play together regardless of which platform they use.
While this has been a wildly popular mechanic, over time some people have preferred to turn crossplay off for whatever reason.
This will often boil down to console players not wanting to risk coming up against PC hackers, which is especially prevalent in ranked modes and at the higher ranks, as the cheaters start to reign supreme.
During the Modern Warfare 3 days, many PC players switched to console to avoid hackers, both in multiplayer and Warzone ranked, but that will now no longer be an option.
News started to spread on November 17, just days before Ranked Play launches in Black Ops 6, that crossplay will not have an option to turn off in the game.
The setting is greyed out and comes with a warning that says “Always enabled in Ranked Play. Cannot be changed in lobbies or during game.”
Ranked Play usually drops much later in the game’s lifecycle, often into the new year before it arrives, giving the game an extra bit of juice once the initial launch hype slows.
This also means that high-ranked players take longer to get burnt out on being dominated by hackers, but with this all happening soon after the Season 1 launch and with no crossplay options, we may see some huge backlash towards developers Treyarch once things get going.
It’s not been made clear why exactly this option is disabled in Ranked Play, or if Treyarch plan to change that in the future, but it’s something to be aware of when you first load in.