Black Ops 6 quietly removed one of the most divisive features from Modern Warfare 3

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot from the game Black Ops 6

Modern Warfare 3 introduced a weapon feature that split opinions among the playerbase, but Black Ops 6 appears to have secretly removed it from Call of Duty altogether, with Tactical Stance no longer a thing

Tactical Stance allowed players to hip-fire their weapons with great accuracy, especially while sliding or running in combat. This offered a middle ground between hip-fire and aim-down sights (ADS).

You could identify if your weapons were in the Tactical Stance when the gun would stay in a slanting position with a tighter crosshair. While Tactical Stance isn’t going to be in the upcoming Call of Duty installment on release, it can be replicated by using one specific attachment.

If you are a Tactical Stance connoisseur and worried about its presence in Black Ops 6, we have a surprise for you in the following section.

A screenshot of Tactical Laser in Black Ops 6
Tactical Laser lets you enter Tactical Stance in Black Ops 6.

How to use Tactical Stance in Black Ops 6

You need to equip the Tactical Laser attachment if you want to use Tactical Stance. It’s similar to the Canted Laser attachment from Modern Warfare 3, but it also provides you with all the benefits of Tac Stance.

The Tactical Laser attachment comes in handy, especially in close-range combat where aiming down sights can be problematic. When playing in smaller maps, Tactical Stance will make dueling easier, which in turn will help you to complete challenges.

However, this attachment can be detrimental, as enemies will be able to pinpoint your location thanks to its visible laser. This is something you’ll need to be aware of, making sure to not recklessly give away your location where possible.

Switching to the Tactical Laser is easy enough, as once the attachment is in place, you can press B on your keyboard (or B on Xbox/Circle on PS5 controllers) to enter Tac Stance. If you want to switch back, just press that button again.

If you are interested in Black Ops 6 and looking to try out the Open Beta on September 6, 2024, check out our weapon tier list to stay ahead of your competition. Additionally, check out our best controller settings so that you can become a master of the omni-movement in the Black Ops 6 beta.