Black Ops Cold War Feb 26 update: Ray Gun, MP fixes, full patch notes

Theo Salaun
black ops cold war feb 26 update patch notes

A new, February 26 Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War update launches 2XP Weekend, fixes a variety of issues across the Multiplayer and Outbreak modes and makes a slight change to the iconic Ray Gun.

Just days after Black Ops Cold War: Season 2 debuted across Cold War and Warzone, Treyarch have dropped a new update gifting the community a double-XP weekend and making some fixes to their multiplayer offerings. 

Centered predominantly on League Play and the new Zombies Outbreak mode, the developers also honed in on, and fixed, a few weird issues on the game’s Raid and Checkmate maps. And, speaking of weirdness, they also brought back a Prop Hunt playlist.

Overall, the update should make the experience smoother for players who are invested in League Play and Outbreak, while also bringing on some other adjustments that help users across the board.

black ops cold war 2xp weekend

The new patch brings a chance for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone players to level up their guns more quickly, but also an opportunity to address some bugs. On Raid, there was a notable unintended spot near the basketball court where someone could shoot enemies, but not get shot back. That has been addressed.

Overall, though, most of the update’s changes address quality-of-life issues with Outbreak and League Play, while also offering one universal performance fix for framerate issues. The full patch notes can be seen below.

Feb 26 Patch Notes