Call of Duty pros show how self-sabotage is actually a viable strategy

Brad Norton

Call of Duty veterans have had enough of Modern Warfare’s spawning system, leading various teams to go against the grain and figure out ridiculous new strategies to avoid certain spawns. 

Since its release in 2019, Modern Warfare has been plagued by all sorts of issues. From devastating bugs in-game, to a supposed lack of financial support in the amateur scene. Arguably the most prevalent talking point of them all, however, is in relation to spawns.

Spawning locations have been in issue since the start of the Call of Duty League and after months of practicing on a wide variety of maps, pro players have figured out a new way to change their spawns.

Rammaza’s spawns were egregious enough to lead to this hilarious tactic.

In the midst of a scrim against the Paris Legion lineup, Florida Mutineers were down by roughly 50 points in a game of Hardpoint on Rammaza.

Spawning in an unfavorable position, the team decided to go for a new strategy in order to escape from the sketchy location. 

Counting it down, four members of the squad threw grenades at their feet in almost perfect synchronicity. In doing so, they respawned on the complete opposite side of the map and were able to push forward to the next Hardpoint without facing much competition.

“Honestly outplayed,” Preston ‘Prestinni’ Sanderson joked on Twitter while sharing the play from his perspective. 

Setting off a debate within the competitive community, a number of professionals chimed in and outlined how the cheeky tactic would actually violate the League’s rulebook in an official match.

“It’s been banned in P2P for a long time,” Damon ‘Karma’ Barlow added, emphasizing that we won’t be seeing the strategy in any upcoming CDL matches throughout 2020.

It’s certainly a testament to the quality of spawns in Modern Warfare that even some of the most experienced players in the scene are opting to wipe themselves out for a better shot at success.

Rammaza remains in the Hardpoint pool for the time being however, so expect lopsided spawns to pop up from time to time when CDL games head to that particular map.