Call of Duty Vanguard killstreaks are going rogue and killing off teammates

Theo Salaun
call of duty vanguard killstreaks

Call of Duty: Vanguard pros and casuals alike have found a common enemy in the new game. Killstreaks, particularly the Bombing Run, are apparently going rogue and sabotaging players’ own teams with team kills.

Not only are the Vanguard killstreaks hard to control, some of them poise an undeniable risk to your own team. So far, Bombing Run is the biggest culprit — with many calling it the’“worst killstreak in CoD history.’

Streaks are typically supposed to be a reward for quality play, but this game is a different story. It’s gone so far that many even think using streaks is in fact a “disadvantage” in this title, which feels extremely counterintuitive.

After a week of Vanguard tournaments and casual pickup games, it seems that people want a fix for the streaks.

Vanguard killstreaks are recklessly killing off teammates

As seen in the clip from the Minnesota ROKKR’s Dillon ‘Attach’ Price, the Bombing Run takes no prisoners. With just three players alive during a Round 11 Search and Destroy round, his teammate’s own killstreak killed two of them.

Immediately, they all yelled for the final remaining player to defuse — worried about the streak returning.

Being scared of your own killstreak’s warpath isn’t quite what one would expect from a reward mechanic. And it’s gone so far that other pros are calling these streaks a “disadvantage.”

Vanguard’s killstreaks are a disadvantage?

As the Los Angeles Guerrillas’ Peirce ‘Gunless’ Hillman expressed, Vanguard killstreaks need a fix. He called for change, noting that these streaks “quite literally are a disadvantage, which makes no sense.

Other players have chimed in with similar sentiments, as Warzone pro Douglas ‘DougIsRaw’ Wolf called Bombing Run “​​the most rogue ass streak ever.” And Challengers player Christopher ‘Parasite’ Duarte dubbed it “the worst competitive streak ever.”

So far, Sledgehammer Games have not responded to concerns and calls for change. But, until they do, it might be worth being a little careful before bringing in your streaks.